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Achenbach Memorial Hospital - Real Hardtner Haunt

  • Caddo Ave and Cherokee St
  • Hardtner, KS
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Haunting stories surrounding this hospital include the following: The men's bathroom on the first floor is said to always be 15-20 degrees colder than the rest of the building, witnesses have claimed to feel as though they were being watching by something unseen, bloody footprints have been seen on the floor, walls and even the ceiling of the basement, which is where the morgue used to be. A toilet is known to flush on its own in one of the bathroom's on the third floor and an elevator seems to work on its own. Some stories say the ghost of Charlie Achenbach has also been spotted here.
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  • How Do You Get Permission?

    I was wondering who to contact about getting reservations here, and what the information is. We were hoping to go this weekend or next, but we can't find out who to contact!

    Posted 4/16/21

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  • Touched

    A few years ago my sister and I won tickets to go investigate with some ghost hunters who came to town for halloween. While we were there we heard footsteps and someone breathing. We had asked "what is your name?" At the time we didnt hear anything, but the recorder picked up and EVP that replied "Oscar". Also on the second floor I felt something touch my leg and ran all the way up my side to my neck. It gave me a tingling feeling. Once the lead investigator asked it a question, the feeling went away and I saw a shadow behind the investigator. It was an amazing experience and I cant wait to go back! Definitely a place to check out!

    Posted 2/13/21

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  • Toatally haunted

    long story short, losts of bangs and crashes happened while we were the only ones in here

    Posted 10/30/20

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  • Charlie Achenbach isn't dead

    I went to the Achenbach Hospital almost 2 months ago and met Mr Charlie Auchenbach himself and let me reassure you he is alive and living.

    Posted 3/2/18

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,149
Last edit to this listing: 5/2/2017 (2889 days ago)

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