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Alma Cemetery - Alma KS Haunted Place

  • Alma Cemetery
  • Alma, KS
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is said to be haunted by orbs and mists which have appeared in photos. The Devils Chair is a legend surrounding the place as well. Stories say those who sit in the chair will be cursed by the ghost of an evil farmer who refused to sell his land to a city for the cemetery.
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  • Probably haunted

    My siblings and I grew up in Alma and around the cemetery. We played in the cemetery (respectfully) and the woods behind it. There was always something with us. My brothers never believed in the paranormal until they saw what I saw. Shadow people in the woods, faces in the trees, and glowing eyes just past the fence line. Though that could’ve been an animal. I went alone one time and one time only because I had my hair pulled so hard that I had a headache afterwards. Don’t go alone and be respectful to whoever you see there.

    Posted 7/18/24

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  • I don’t know if this is true but…

    My parents went there over the weekend and they told us it was really scary my mom said she was grabbed and scratched wile my step-dad was pushed and had sent chills up his spine and he said it was truly terrible he doesn’t wanna go again

    Posted 10/23/23

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  • Filmed this location

    A small group of us went her over the span of a few nights to get footage for a YouTube video. It was truly chilling. This was our first investigation, and we experienced some things here that we have not seen on other locations. One member of our group was grabbed on the shoulder. Also, around 2:30 am we heard footsteps rushing towards us, they got close and we decided to hear back to the car. The footsteps got louder and we were seemingly chased back to the car. There is a child's grave near the middle of the cemetery that we heard a young voice giggling near. We also heard a young voice say "mama" that was clearly heard on the footage. We uploaded to our YouTube channel "callmepilates" if you're interested in the location. The "Devil's Chair" is not at this location. We spoke with some locals and it turns out the legendary chair was placed on top of an old well that is now owned by a farmer who owns the land behind the cemetery. Would not go searching for it without permission. The farmer has cattle on that land and I would not be surprised if he didn't like trespassers near them

    Posted 7/23/21

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  • Nothing Remotely Creepy

    There isn't anything resembling a chair save for the bench dedicated to a family member. A few sunken headstones is the most interesting thing here.

    Posted 10/16/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,110
Last edit to this listing: 5/2/2017 (2889 days ago)

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