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Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery - Real Haunt in Fort Leavenworth KS

  • 395 Biddle Blvd.
  • Fort Leavenworth, KS
Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery is known for being the oldest continually operating military post west of the Mississippi River. It is also considered one of the most haunted forts in the United States. The cemetery within the fort has been utilized since 1844 and it holds the remains of about 20,000 United States soldiers. Oddly enough, the spirits here aren't known to be former soldiers.

The most common apparation that is spotted at the cemetery is said to be the ghost of Catherine Sutter, an early pioneer woman. Stories say that Sutter's children were lost in a winter storm while they were out gathering firewood. Sutter spent the season searching for her children before passing away from pneumonia. Her ghost wanders the cemetery in a calico dress and black shawl holding up a lantern and calling for her children. An American Indian known as Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce is another spirit that haunts the cemetery. He was incarcerated at Fort Leavenworth in 1877.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,073
Last edit to this listing: 4/9/2021 (1431 days ago)

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